Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The trees must feel such joy

Yesterday, I came across a photo I had taken of a magnolia blossom in my garden this spring and was reminded of a thought I had at the time
'Oh how wonderful to see the first springtime buds and flowers on the trees and shrubs! But have you ever thought what joy the trees and shrubs must feel when after a long, cold winter sleep they suddenly wake and spread their first leaves, display their first blooms?

Monday, November 16, 2009

New to Blogging and Blog design

Gosh! Well I got here. Guess my next task is to study modern html to do something about the boooring page design.
Obviously, nothwithstanding mighty Google's promise that it's real easy, it's not.
Unless I am a bit deficient!
Next task is to see what I can do with Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw!
Dare I say "Watch this space?"