Friday, December 11, 2009

Is Obesity the result of Malnutrition?

For some years now I have been researching data related to the decline in nutrient values in our food sources. For example the potato over the last 50 years has lost 100% of it's vitamin A content, 57% of it's vitamin C and 28% of it's calcium according to Canadian research! Bananas, tomatoes, peaches and most other vegetables and fruits tested show the same massive declines in nutrient levels. So our bodies can't get the same micro-nutrients with the same levels of consumption. We may have to eat twice as much food to get the minerals and vitamins our bodies crave! Guess what though ... in general the carbohydrate and fat levels in our foods have not declined! Therefore even those of us who don't eat junk food have to eat far more fat-making mass to get enough vitamins and minerals to metabolise it properly and to support good health.
Today, the only way to be slim, have healthy shining hair, good teeth and skin is to find another source of true-food nutrients, cut down on normal food sources, and exercise heaps!
Yes, I do believe that the obesity levels in developed nations is one of the results of mal-micro-nutrition.
But where can we find supplemental nutrients that are not synthetised from rocks and earth in a chemical factory?
I'll let you know when I find out!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are all diseases a result of cell malfunction

For many years now I have felt that malfunctions in organs or systems must be based on cellular disfunction. In other words, if every cell in the body is functioning at 100% there can be no illness.
This is where my concern with cell replacement lies. There are various estimates of how many cells there are in the body but lets take the conservative 100 trillion ... more cells than the number of blades of grass in a paddock 14k square!
If, through lack of nutrients, the body is not able to perfectly replace dead or dying cells, the cellular structure of the body will be degraded, progressively over time, so that many dis-ease conditions will develop. The immune system, which is already under stress from environmental and nutritional pollution will also fail to perform to an optimum level and all of mankinds 'normal' degenerative dis-eases will develop.
Diabetes, lupus, cancer, heart disease and colonic failures are a few of the obvious ones but my bet is that every disease has cellular malfunction at its root.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Are You Dying Too Fast?

Of course, we're all dying ... but most people today are dying much too fast.

Medical intervention can extend the time it takes to die but by the time we demonstrate a recognisable medical condition we have already gone too far down the path for drugs to do much to turn back the clock.
Most people in developed nations are in a state of Progressive Health Decline.
In a healthy body that is being supplied with enough of the right nutrients in the right quantities and is being exercised adequately, billions of old and dying cells are replaced every day with perfect replicas. So that over a period of time day by day every system and organ in the body is rebuilt or completely rejuvenated.
For most of you this is not happening. Your body is not getting adequate supplies of all the nutrients it needs or the exercise necessary to keep the tissues well supplied with oxygen. So, denied adequate nutrition, your body can only replace old cells with substandard or defective copies instead of maintaining perfect cellular structures.

It is almost certain that your body is not being rebuilt day by day as it is designed to be. It is not being rejuvenated, your cells are not being perfectly regenerated.

You are already unwell. Every day brings you closer to the time when your functions and systems will show symptoms that can be recognised by a doctor as a condition requiring medical help. By then it's too late for drugs to do much more than give you extra years of unhealthiness!

Yes, you probably are dying too Fast!

— I will make posts from time to time to explain more about health and nutrition —

Friday, December 4, 2009

Are School Teachers too Specialist

I has worried me for some years (my last family of 3 daughters are just a few years out of school) that teachers seem to be specialised in their subject rather than being specialists in teaching.
Teachers at all levels must be teachers first and foremost, subject specialists second. Whilst at higher levels at university super-specialist knowledges and skills are needed and therefore some inadequacy in teaching skills may have to be accepted, this cannot apply at lower subject levels.
Time and again I see evidence that children at secondary level are not understanding simple basic elements of mathematics and english. These are not difficult skills to teach, so why have our teachers so frequently failed to teach them?
As an educator and trainer in business subjects for many years, I believe the answer is simple.
The basic assumption that seems to be applied by our childrens' teachers is that if a child doesn't learn, it's the child's fault (or maybe the parents').
Sorry teachers... The learning outcome is the teacher's task. Failure to learn means failure to teach! Measure your performance as a teacher by only one criteria. The performance of the child under your teaching.
No excuses are appropriate. I can see no reason why every child of normal (not identified as deficient) intelligence cannot pass all basic secondary school exams. The differences between levels of intellect should only create differences in performance above the pass level.
Time spent answering 'Questions' on Yahoo anly serves to underline this problem. Many kids who can formulate really effective pleas for help are unable to answer easily taught english and maths questions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Self-Hypnosis, or Auto-hypnosis, a series of techniques that originated mid last century has been receiving strong revivals and further development in recent years. It is at the core of so many effective 'self management' and self awareness concepts that have been developed across the years (it's even linked with the 'Magic" of the Hawaiian Kohunas)
Many high acheivers in the sports and entertainment worlds use some or all of the techniques. Visualisation, for example, is used to preset the mind and body to acheive a given outcome.
A book published in the 90's by two US Doctors clearly explains the techniques and provides guidance on developing and using them.
Self-Hypnosis, Brian M Alman & Peter T Lambrou, 1992, Brunner/Mazel, Inc. NY.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Come on Experts ... Blinkers off!

The experts have been proven wrong so many times in the history of science and technology that when I hear them claim that something that does work can't or that there is no scientific support for it I just want to shout "don't be so lazy, so unscientific … don't reject it out of hand, don't just test it with your existing science … explain to me why it does work! Then I'll consider you a scientist!"
Cases in point are Homoeopathy, which can't work according to current scientific knowledge and Cold Flow which is now acknowledged to work, but was denied by so many of our leading scientists for more than 20 years.